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When to Replace Your Roof

replacement of the roofing of a residential house on a background of blue sky, half changed, half not yet

When to replace your roof:   As a homeowner, one of the most important aspects of maintaining your home is ensuring that your roof is in good condition. Your roof is your first line of defense against the elements, so it’s crucial to keep it in top shape. But how do you know when it’s… Continue reading When to Replace Your Roof


Roofs can become worn or damaged over time. A compromised roof can lead to water damage to the structure – inside and out. We can help take care of a damaged roof before it ends up turning into a bigger problem


Walk decks are typically high traffic areas open to the elements. We can protect your patio from weather and preserve your patio’s level of quality.


Several buildings in Arizona sport a flat roof (also called a low slope roof) because there’s less surface area to absorb heat it helps the building to stay cool.


Shingle roofing is another common roofing system in the valley. A shingle roofing system is affordable, easy to install, and durable.


Tile roofing is a very popular roofing system in Arizona for homes. Tile roofing is made from either concrete or clay tiles and is one of the most durable roofing types which can last for many years.


Foam roofing is a polyurethane foam coating for flat roofs. This type of roofing system helps homes stay cool with it being white in color and reflective to sunlight.